Legacy V is Best in Show, A Stunner
Posted October 2014
Here's what the press had to say about the new Legacy V Loudspeaker System at RMAF:
"The Legacy V is the Best of Show!" - J. Darby, Stereomojo
"Legacy Audio V is a Stunner. It dropped my seat somewhere in the first three rows of a concert. Holy cow." - Scot Hull, The Audio Traveler
"Legacy V is "to die for!'" - D. Disbennett, Secrets of Home Theater & HiFi

"You want Diana Krall in your listening room? I’ve heard systems that can weave that illusion quite compellingly. But an electrified Bob Dylan, a big-band like Basie or Ellington, or heaven forbid, a full-scale orchestra? That’s a much harder trick. It takes something different to pull that off. Something like the Legacy V."
"The Legacy V is the Best of Show!"
- James Darby, Stereo Mojo
"I saw it. I heard it. This is it. Welcome to the top!"
-Tom Richard
"I was completely distracted by the insanely real textures slapping and thrumming out of an upright double-bass."
"In the expensive category of best sounding systems, it was a bit of a mismatch, price-wise, between the not cheap but great sounding Legacy V speakers and the crazy expensive Focal Grand Utopia ($195,000 a pair). Either of these systems is “to die for”!"
-Don Disbennett, Secrets of Home Theater & HiFi
"Really excellent imaging."
-Mike Davis, Audio Federation

"Every now and again, your friends surprise you. And not in a “hey, is that a head in your fridge?” kind of a way. More in a “hey, did you just just add a president to Mt Rushmore?” kind of way."
-Scot Hull, The Audio Traveler
Learn about the Ultimate A/B Comparison with Lyn Stanley and the Legacy V Speaker System, here.
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Masters Collection
V System
The V high performance speaker system from Legacy Audio is a groundbreaking achievement that unites perfect timing with incredible design. This 4 way system is the first to use the Legacy Wavelet Processor (an advanced speaker & room resonance correction system with a high-end DAC/Preamplifier) and features open air dipole midrange, dual subwoofers with internal amplification, two Legacy 4” long AMT tweeters in a specially optimized post convergent array and craftsmanship display options.
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